Following these three tips could be life-saving
While falling from a skyscraper might sound like something that only happens in nightmares or movies, the truth is, that falls from great heights do happen in real life.
Being prepared with the right techniques can make all the difference if you ever find yourself in such a terrifying situation.
Though it may seem unlikely, accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. And if this kind of situation were to occur, you’d be glad to know a few survival tricks.
If you’re ever standing near the edge of a high-rise building, these tips might come in handy in the most unexpected way.
Content creator Zackdfilms shared a YouTube Short explaining key actions to take in order to survive a fall from an extreme height.
These survival tips are widely recommended and have gained attention online.
In Zack’s video, a clay figure representing a person is shown falling from a building, demonstrating each of the three survival steps as narrated by Zack.
By following these steps, the animated figure manages to survive the fall, illustrating the life-saving potential of these actions.
First step: when falling from a skyscraper, make sure to relax your body
“First, relax your body by moving your arms and legs to keep them loose.”
As the video demonstrates, keeping your body relaxed is critical.
The more you can relax each part of your body, the better chance you have of minimizing injuries.
Physical therapist Mayami Oyanagi, who has explored this topic for WikiHow, advises against bracing too rigidly.
She explained further: “Do your best to relax your body so that when you hit the ground your body is more easily able to take the impact. Stay aware of your body, moving your arms and legs to make sure they aren’t locked.”
Second step: when falling, try to break your fall as much as possible.
Break your fall YouTube/@zackdfilms
“Then, aim to land on something that can break your fall, like a tree, instead of the concrete.”
Oyanagi agreed with this technique, adding: “If you’re falling next to a building, or off a cliff in the wilderness, do your best to break your fall into segments by hitting a ledge, a lower cliff, a tree, or another object.”
Breaking up the fall this way reduces the force of impact, as it transforms one big fall into a series of shorter falls, which greatly increases your odds of surviving.
Land feet first YouTube/@zackdfilms
Third step: when landing, try to come down feet-first
“If possible, position yourself to land on your feet, to distribute the shock through your legs, but try to roll upon impact to reduce injury.”
Although this might sound incredibly painful, this technique can actually help save your life by focusing the impact on your legs.
Always aim to land feet-first.
Both the expert and the simulation stressed that positioning your body this way can be a crucial factor in boosting your survival chances.
Oyanagi explained: “No matter what height you fall from, you should always try to land on your feet. Landing feet-first concentrates the impact force on a small area, allowing your feet and legs to absorb the worst of the blow.”
She went on to explain that if you find yourself in a different position while falling, try to adjust so you are upright before hitting the ground.
Luckily, Oyanagi pointed out that the body’s natural instincts usually guide you into this position when falling.
To ensure a safe landing, it helps to ‘keep your feet and legs together tightly so that both feet hit the ground at the same time.’
She also advised: “Land on the balls of your feet. Point your toes slightly down before impact so that you will land on the balls of your feet. This will allow your lower body to more effectively absorb the impact.”
Although you can’t control everything about what might be below you in a fall, following these survival tips could make the difference between life and death.