Pornhub 2024 review reveals top searched fictional characters including Shrek and The Incredibles

Typically people use adult websites for some real-life action while others prefer to watch uhmm… anime-style and fictional TV/Movie characters instead.

As strange as it may sound, it seems to be what some enjoy looking at, as 2024 came to an end, Pornhub’s end-of-year review of most searched terms has been revealed.

Coming at the number 10 spot is Gotham’s Caped Crusader, “Batman”, which I guess in a way… is quite understandable.

Next at number 9, we have Marvel’s funniest character… “Deadpool”.

Some people just love a funny guy with big… swords.

At number 8 we have another Marvel character, “Black Widow”, while at number 7 we have a very questionable search term… “The Incredibles”, which is a little unsettling, to say the least.

DC’s “Wonder Woman” lands herself at number 6 on the most-searched list, with another concerning search at number 5… “Harry Potter”, which has left some people questioning.. why?

Next, we have some blue magical creatures, with “Avatar” at number 4.

At number 3, we have one of the most popular TV shows, “Game of Thrones”.

As we come to the end of the list, “Star Wars” is the second most searched-for adult website review.

Now for the top number 1 spot, we have none other than DC’s “Harley Quinn”, perhaps confused viewers were just looking for the new Joker.

The full list of 30 individuals also included “Shrek”, “John Wick”, “Gamora” and even “The Hulk” – just to name a few, the rest can be viewed below.

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